A B O U T   /   W O R K   /  C O N T A C T

Sammy Van den Heuvel (°1985, Belgium) quickly found his way to the performing arts after completing his architecture studies. He studied scenography with Katleen Vinck and then became assistant to scenographer Annette Kurz. For eight years he collaborated with her, mainly on her productions with Luk Perceval. During this period he also began to create his own scenographies. Collaborations with Giacomo Veronesi, Julian Rosefeldt, Jorinde Keesmaat and Tom Goossens, among others, brought him to several European opera and theater houses. Since 2017, he has been the scenographer of the Dutch dance company Panama Pictures. Choreographer Pia Meuthen develops her work, which connects dance and circus, in the context of his spatial objects. His work revolves around the tension between space and bodies. By disrupting the space, he attempts to open a dialogue with the performers, a physical experience that seeps into the body of the spectators.